Toothache and Toothcare Guide


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If you're like most people, you don't have to be told that tooth decay pain can really hurt. You've been there! So what did you do until you could get in to see your dentist? Did it help?
Even if it did, there may be more you could have done
What symptoms accompany a toothache?
Toothache or tooth pain can often be caused when the nerve to a tooth is irritated, but there are numerous other causes for tooth pain. Dental infection, gum disease, plaque, dental decay, injury, cracked teeth, poorly placed fillings or crowns, failing or leaking fillings or crowns, or loss of a tooth etc.
How can my dentist help?
How do I alleviate the pain if I cannot see my dentist right away?
Is there a way to prevent a toothache?
The key to preventing toothaches is establishing a regular oral hygiene routine and sticking to it.
For example, failure to brush and floss regularly after meals can significantly increase your risk of developing cavities, which can cause toothaches.
One can prevent the majority of dental problems by flossing, brushing, and using many different products, such as fluoride-containing rinses and toothpaste, and having teeth professionally cleaned on a regular schedule.
Download app to find out more tips to help reduce your risk for developing a toothache!
Remember Tooth Decay Pain Won't Improve on Its Own!